A saint ’swami nithyananda’ has been caught by camera when he was doing sex with unknown tamil actress (some sources say it is actress Ran...
A saint ’swami nithyananda’ has been caught by camera when he was doing sex with unknown tamil actress (some sources say it is actress Ranjitha but it is not officially confirmed) in bedroom.
TV channel claims that this location may locate on ashram or hotel.
Resulting in The Sun News Tamil news channel that aired on sex video scam fraud Swamiji and created shock waves throughout the Tamil Nadu State and beyond.
Now, the question is how shocking is it for us, OR is it shocking or not because it is almost the routine thing now some sting operation revealing the true identity of the modern day Sadhus.
Moreover, while there is still no confirmation on Tamil actress Ragashuda, a few are saying that it is possible that she is not the one in the video and instead, it was Ranjita.
This Nithyananda video was released yesterday by Sun News live and is now affecting his reputation for being a spiritual person and the video from YouTube showing him in bed with an actress is a big proof.
Locals said that the Swami visited the ashram two months back when he celebrated his birthday there. Police are looking into the matter.
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