Ajith Kumar Makes It Last On Test Racing

Ajith Kumar 
Makes It Last On Test Racing

Ajith Kumar’s ultimate decision to get back on racing grids had sensationalized the entire nation. After a course of vivid training, the actor kick-started his Test Drive on April 6. Regrettably, the actor ended up with in last position at combined results.

The Test racing was held on April 6 and 7 at Snetterton racing grid with the world’s best racers taking part. British’s Dean Stoneman made a stunning drive on No.1 position while India’s Armaan Ebrahim strode for 5th position and Parthiva Sureshwaran at 20th place.

Now, Ajith Kumar has commenced a vigorous training drive so as to keep him at a safer position in the upcoming race that starts on April 16 at Silverstone.

Let us hope for the best that our proficient actor makes it happen for us all.


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