After a gap of seven years, Bollywood legendary director Yash Chopra is preparing for his next directorial venture. His last film ‘Veer Zaara’ which was released in 2004 was a hit at the box-office . For the first time, Academy Award Winner A R Rahman is scoring the tunes for Yash Chopra’s film. Coming to the cast of the film Bollywood Badshah Shahrukh Khan is the lead actor of the film and two leading ladies will be pairing opposite to Shahrukh Khan.
Music Maestro A R Rahman is very excited to work with Yash Chopra. He said that Yashji always portrays music as the inevitable essence of love and divinity in his movies and as a team could bring tremendous joy to all.
Speaking about this venture Yash Chopra said that Shahrukh Khan is the lead actor in the film and he is like family to Yash Raj Films. He also added two leading ladies will be finalized after Adi gives the final draft of the script.
Yash Chopra and Shahrukh film itself is a visual feast for the audience, when A R Rahman joins the bandwagon definitely it would be a double bonanza for the moviebuffs.
Music Maestro A R Rahman is very excited to work with Yash Chopra. He said that Yashji always portrays music as the inevitable essence of love and divinity in his movies and as a team could bring tremendous joy to all.
Speaking about this venture Yash Chopra said that Shahrukh Khan is the lead actor in the film and he is like family to Yash Raj Films. He also added two leading ladies will be finalized after Adi gives the final draft of the script.
Yash Chopra and Shahrukh film itself is a visual feast for the audience, when A R Rahman joins the bandwagon definitely it would be a double bonanza for the moviebuffs.
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