Kantri goes to Tamil After Shakti, yet another Jr. NTR film is being dubbed in Tamil. This is the 2008 hit Kantri, directed by Meher Ramesh...
Kantri goes to Tamil After Shakti, yet another Jr. NTR film is being dubbed in Tamil. This is the 2008 hit Kantri, directed by Meher Ramesh with Hansika and Tanisha as the heroines. The Tamil version of Kantri has been titled Pokkiri Paiyya. The film revolves around an orphan Kranti aka Kantri (NTR), who locks horns with a Hong Kong based don Pothu Raju aka PR (Prakashraj). The film won three major awards: Nandi Award for the best choreography, South Scope best stylish actor award and South Scope best stylish choreography award. Music is by Mani Sharma and cinematography by Sameer Reddy.
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