2 cases againt Sun Pictures Saxena withdrawn

A couple of film distributors who had filed complaints of cheating against Sun Pictures Chief Operating Officer Hansraj Saxena, reportedly withdrew their cases on Tuesday, stating that they had entered into a compromise with Sun Pictures.
Distributors T S Selvaraj and Shanmugavelu, who were the first to come out in open against the film production and distribution arm of the Sun TV Network, filed petitions on Tuesday at the Madras High Court, seeking to withdraw their complaints
However, Saxena faces three other cases. The police arrested Saxena on July 3 on a complaint from Selvaraj, who accused Saxena of cheating him of Rs.82.53 lakh over distribution rights of 'Theeratha Vilayattu Pillai' after reportedly promising to pay him Rs.1.25 crore.
The police arrested Saxena in another case after Shanmugavelu, another film distributor from Salem, complained to the police that Saxena, his associate Ayyappan and three others assaulted him after a misunderstanding over the distribution of the film.


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