Vishal faces trouble from Nadigar Sangam again, this time for Samar

Vishal faces the heat
Nadigar Sangam replied to all the allegations made by Vishal. The manager of Nadigar Sangam, Natesan said that the allegations made by Vishal are not true.
When Vishal raised the issue that he was owed 75 lakh by Ramesh, the producer of Samar, Ramesh furnished all the proofs they require.

Natesan also wants to settle this issue internally and blames Vishal for approaching media. Natesan told, "Nadigar Sangam is working hard to solve the issue but it's just that we didn't want to make any public statements at that point. If Vishal had any issue with this, he should have raised it with us directly as it's an internal matter." He also said that by the time the association received the letter Vishal went to press.

Vishal claimed that Nadigar Sangam has abandoned him and also said that Sangam contacted him about his comments on his social networking page, but they chose to send him a show cause notice to which he has replied.


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