Exclusive Interview: Producer S. Durriya

The film ‘Indrasena’ is already making high waves in town. Action choreographer-turned-filmmaker ‘Punch’ Bharath has completed the shooting at just 25 days.

It’s something off-the-wall when it comes to Tamil film industry, isn’t?

Producer S. Durriya feels more felicitous for having gained a wonderful team working for ‘Indrasena’.Here’s a quick chat with producer S. Durriya as she throws more light on ‘Indrasena’ and other projects.

Question: So, how’s everything with Indrasena?

Durriya: We are so jubilant that the film has been completed on pars with predesigned schedule. ‘Punch’ Bharath has been a genuine person as he had perfectly coordinated towards every part in the process. The post production works are close on the heels of completion.

Question: When are you planning to release the film?

Durriya: Earlier we had plans about releasing the film by this month and due to our involvement in other projects. The film will probably hit the screens by March.

Question: How about the film’s duration?

Durriya: Exactly 120mins!! The screenplay has been crafted in a racy manner that’ll keep audiences intact without letting their eyes to blink.

Question: Did you happen to watch final product?

Durriya: Yes, I got to watch some songs and it has come out well.

Question: How was the working experience with a renowned music director like Tashi?

Durriya: He’s such a humble person and has tuned extraordinary melodies for this film. There are 4 song based on different themes – like – one set in backdrops of college life, another one set in a family, a mellisonant duet and some of that sort. Altogether, there are 4 songs…

Question: It seems that you’ve spent lavish money for the making of this film.

Durriya: There isn’t any point in terming it as ‘Lavish’. We have spent quality sum to ensure that the film top-notches on all aspects: in both technical and narrative panoramas.


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