Critically-acclaimed Bollywood film Paa which created a wave in the minds of audiences, is all set to be remade in Tamil. Guess who has bagg...
Critically-acclaimed Bollywood film Paa which created a wave in the minds of audiences, is all set to be remade in Tamil. Guess who has bagged the remake rights? It's none other than Paa's music director Ilayaraja. Paa became a hot proposition overnight soon after its very first promo was unveiled. The film is based on a kid affected by Progeria and dwells on father-son relationship. Big B became bigger after the release of Paa. His excellent portrayal as 13-year-old Progeria patient put Amitabh Bachchan on a pedestal that may be very difficult for other actors to reach. It would be interesting to see who will play the role of Amitabh Bachchan in Tamil. There are also reports that the music maestro discussed the production of the film with Kamal Haasan. So let's wait and watch who is the Paa of Kollywood?
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