The fate of Yogi, the film has in no way diminished the popularity of Ameer, the director. The latest to cash on Ameer is AK Jailani. AK Jai...
The fate of Yogi, the film has in no way diminished the popularity of Ameer, the director. The latest to cash on Ameer is AK Jailani. AK Jailani who has earlier acted and directed a movie called ‘Kelvikkuri’ recently went to the Film Chamber to register the title for his new movie. When he said the title of the film the officials were surprised and politely refused to register it. So what is the title? It is ‘Ameer’. The officials said since the title is the name of a popular and respected director they wouldn’t recommend it.
A tensed AK Jailani then went to the director Ameer himself and explained him the situation. Ameer being one of the most progressive film makers of today immediately obliged AK Jailani with a ‘no objection certificate’ to be submitted at the chamber. Finally AK Jailani had his way.
AK Jailani produces this new film under his Rangeela Enterprises. He is the hero and a new Punjab beauty Aisleene is the heroine. The film based on the communal riots that happened in the country will be shot at locations in Yerwadi, Cochin, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, New Delhi, Kashmir and Dubai.
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