Prithviraj: The handsome Dev
Touted as the next superstar of Malayalam films, Prithviraj carries a lot of expectations on his shoulders. His critics have been silenced after seeing his performances in Malayalam and Tamil. Though Malayalam cinema is ruled by the 'M' brigade, in recent years Prithviraj has also become a force to reckon with. He has a well-established fan following and has proved that he is more than just a good-looking face. Both in Malayalam and Tamil, the actor has hit films to his credit and 2010 promises to be quite a busy year for the young actor who is working in as many as ten films.

Now, the actor is all excited about his upcoming Raavanan, directed by Mani Ratnam, which will grace theatres tomorrow (June 18). “Raavanan is the biggest film that Mani sir has done. Not just in terms of the budget but also in terms of the emotional canvas. Fix any two points in the film, A and B. The journey from point A to point B will take you through a hundred different emotional areas. Also, although the film itself happens within a short span of time, what happens within every character is really big. That’s the reason I say it is the biggest in terms of the emotional canvas as well,” he said to a leading English daily.
“When you do more and more films, you tend to nurture the idea. This is how you do that and that is how you do this. Then, you come across a Mani Ratnam and you realise that that can also be done this way and this can also be done that way. In that context, it has been an eye-opening exercise for several actors,” he added.


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