Music maestro A.R. Rahman's forthcoming shows at Detroit and Toronto, being organised as part of his ongoing world tour titled "...
Music maestro A.R. Rahman's forthcoming shows at Detroit and Toronto, being organised as part of his ongoing world tour titled "AR Rahman Jai Ho Concert: The Journey Home World Tour" covering the US, Canada, France, Switzerland, Holland and Britain, were cancelled due to an infrastructure collapse.
Informing the update, the composer wrote on his Twitter page that that the dates will be rescheduled. "We are forced to cancel the show in Detroit due to an infrastructure collapse at The Pontiac Silverdome which damaged the set. The incident occurred during stage construction. No one was seriously injured," he added.
"Dates in Detroit and Toronto will be rescheduled due to the incident. I regret any inconvenience this causes my fans and am deeply grateful no one from my team or the local Detroit stage crew was seriously injured," he also said.
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