Virundhali - Movie Review

Starring: Eshwar, Dhyana
Direction: Waterman
Music: S S Kumaran
Production: Gopika international

Most the B-graded films are inevitably disappointed as the previous weeks Veluthu Kattu too turned to be a disaster. In the same way, Virundhali fails us badly as even a single aspect doesn’t help saving the film.

What is so bad about such films is that they have got good actresses on the screens and yet fail to offer them a substantive platform. Veluthu Kattu had Arundhathi in same situation and now Dhyana joins the list now. Hope she gets good offers for her best performance in this below average drama.

Eshwar is a money lender in a village, whose father Nasser is imprisoned for a murder. Just as it happens in other films, Eshwar falls in love with Dhyana, who takes up the delivering letters as her father, a postman is under rest. As Eshwar and Dhyana fall in love, Eshwar has his life changed and with the entry of his friend, things take an adverse change.

What happens next is lots of annoying sequences of murders and betrayals with an unemotional climax of tragedy.

Director Waterman should have made a film that has some substance and not just like a dim witted though of eyeing for his credits.

Hats of to actor Eshwar for his convincing performance and much more than is Dhyana for a great performance. She deserves yet more challenging roles.

SS Kumaran’s musical score is not so convincing.

VIRUNDHALI can be avoided at any cost

Verdict: Poor
Rating: 2.5/10


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