Things have to be written and spoken - Asin brushes aside rumours

While Asin has now officially announced loud and clear that there was nothing mysterious around her exit from the Hindi remake of ‘Kakka Kakka’, controversies haven’t stopped following her. Till date, she is questioned around whether the film’s leading man John Abraham was responsible for that since he wasn’t too keen about working with her.

Laughs away Asin, “Things have to be written and spoken about; you don’t believe in all of them, right?”

In fact it was during the middle of the year when these rumours kick started, something which the actor also vehemently denied. He went on record to state that he hadn’t requested Vipul Shah (the film’s producer) to look out for another leading lady.

“It was the case of date diary played truant,” says Asin in all earnest, “I had committed dates to ‘Ready’ and my Tamil film ‘Kaavalan’ only after accounting for the schedule of ‘Kakka Kakka’ remake. When ‘Kakka Kakka’ got delayed due to a new director (Nishikant Kamat) reworking on it, I was left with no other choice but to opt out of it.”

That should settle the controversy once for and all.

Source: Indiaglitz


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