Rambha become Mom, blessed with baby girl in Canada


Rambha blessed with baby girl
Rambha, Glamour queen of 90s and early 2000s, has given birth to a baby girl on January 14 at Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada. Both the mother and the baby are doing fine.
The actress is married to Canada-based entrepreneur Indran Pathmanathan. They entered wedlock on April 8 in Tirupathi last year. Rambha is also brand ambassador of Magickwoods, a company owned by her husband.
We at thecinemanews.com give our heartiest congratulations to Rambha and her family!


  1. Such a wonderful article post! I've just read about Ramba, She become MOM. I'm so impressed to read this amazing news. I wanna congrats her. :)


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