Dheena's villain avatar in the film ‘Soozhnilai

Music director Dheena is one of the prolific music directors of today poplar for his trade mark kuthus. 'Seedan' was his 50th film.
After completing 50 films as a music director, when life is going very well for Dheena, he is trying out his luck in a domain which is not his. Dheena will be playing a villain in the film ‘Soozhnilai’ directed by debutant Senthooran.
How did that happen? Director Senthooran went to narrate the story of the film to Dheena as a music director and as the meeting was going on the director got impressed with the looks and the long hair of Dheena and decided the villain on the spot.
There is already a music director Vijay Antony waiting for his first release. Now Dheena is joining him. Acting is however not new to music directors of Tamil cinema. (Shankar) Ganesh and MS Viswanathan have done a lot of films as actors too.

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