Does Surya remember those Saravanan days? 
When asked Surya that whether the Saravanan who worked in the garment factory comes to his mind, he said," The only thing that has changed is the name only. Now I am Surya. When I was working in the garment factory, the only strength I had was hard work.

I use to travel 70 kms a day in my bike. I use to work madly for 15 hours a day. There was no proper sleep. Those were the days when I used to sleep and fall from the bike. Though I use to be shy while speaking to someone I never use to feel shy to do any kind of work. Ezham Arivu Surya has the same character.
In a single scene I was supposed to look very weak and tired. So I worked out hard to look very tired and thin. My father also use to scold me seeing that how less I use to eat. Though it was a single scene, I had the will power to make it very realistic. The society and cinema has given me a very big place. I am not able to fulfill my duties for the place given to me. The only thing that remains is my gratefulness."


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