Shakeela turns singer, dancer

We once knew her as the inevitable part of Malayalam soft porn movies. After creating a tsunami effect in Mollywood, she gently walked into Kollywood to play comedy and comical roles.

Now, Shakeela has taken the avatar of a singer, for a movie titled 'Shanmugipuram', directed by Chezhiyan. And what more, she will also dance for the same song on the screen.

Shakeela recently recorded the song, composed by Dhakshi, with two other singers Amritha and Saloni. "The output is good I believe. Everyone appreciated me," she says with a smile.

The actress adds: "I was little hesitant when the director wanted me to sing. But thanks to the support from him and Dhakshi, I managed to sing it. I am eagerly looking forward for the response from the audience."

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