Superstar in Singapore

Tags: aishwarya, chennai, Cinema, doctors, elder daughter, family members, friday night, gate, gate numbers, journalists, latha, medical centre, national kidney, news, numero, rejuvenation, respiratory problems, singapore, sri, sri ramachandra, star, superstar rajinikanth, uno

Superstar Rajinikanth on Friday night flew to Singapore for "rest and rehabilitation" after being discharged from Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre in Chennai where he was admitted for respiratory problems.

If sources are to be believed, the numero uno star of Tamil cinema was wheeled in through the cargo entrance through gate number two even as media personnel and others waited around gate numbers five and six.

Accompanied by his family members, Rajinikanth waved to the fans who gathered at the airport before being escorted into the flight. He would be treated at the National Kidney Centre in Singapore, sources said.

While Rajini's elder daughter Aishwarya said one of the reasons for going to Singapore was to provide her father some privacy, the actor’s wife Latha told journalists that he was going to Singapore for rejuvenation. However, all family members and doctors maintained that the Superstar is fine.

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