Sanjana aka Pooja Gandhi's SMS allegation

Tags: abusive language, aka, allegation, car, city police, commissioner of police, downslide, family friend, financial assistance, kiran kumar, kokki, magistrate, mobile phone, news, phone, police commissioner, police crime, pooja gandhi, Post, sending text messages, smses, star image, tamil films, thiruvannamalai

Sanjana aka Pooja Gandhi, who was part of Tamil films like ‘Kokki’ and ‘Thiruvannamalai’, has sought security from the Bengaluru police alleging that E Kiran Kumar, a family friend, was sending threatening SMSes to her.

Following this, Kiran, a doctor, was arrested by the police and produced before the magistrate.Pooja Gandhi met the City Police Commissioner B G Jyothiprakash Mirji and Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime) Alok Kumar and filed a complaint against Kiran.

She accused Kiran of sending text messages on her mobile phone, threatening her of hampering her ‘star’ image using abusive language. Meanwhile, Kiran also alleged that Pooja Gandhi was using his car and mobile phone, besides receiving financial assistance from him.

According to sources, Kiran claimed that he had helped “friend” Pooja financially, post-’Mungaru Male’, when her career was on a downslide, and also bought her a mobile phone and a car.

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