So far the shoot of Nanban is progressing in cool and calm manner but suddenly on Sunday tension prevailed on the sets of the film as a grou...
Nanban which is currently progressing at a college near Chennai has suddenly witnessed a crowd of local residents who arrived to the shooting spot to have a glance of Vijay and the rest of the team. Vijay and Shankar obliged their request and spent some time with them but the crowd refused to leave the place and didn't even let the crew to continue with the shoot. The situation turned out to be worst and resulted in a verbal duel. By moving a step forward the crowd even damaged the set properties.
Read in Tamil: விஜய் படப்பிடிப்பில் பெரும் ரகளை... கேரவனை அடித்து நொறுக்கிய ரசிகர்கள்
Read in Tamil: விஜய் படப்பிடிப்பில் பெரும் ரகளை... கேரவனை அடித்து நொறுக்கிய ரசிகர்கள்
With the arrival of the police the situation came into control and now an extra cover of protection is now being provided to Nanban team.
Well, we as fans have to respect our stars and by making the situations messy will not fetch any good for us.
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