Dinamalar bonds With Yahoo! To Launch Tamil News Portal

In what seems like an attempt to expand its user base, Tamil Daily Dinamalar has collaborated with Yahoo! India to launch a regional news portal tamil.yahoo.com.
This piece of news was first revealed online in a tweet by Dinamalar’s New Media Marketing Head, Balasubramanian. The portal is functional though it is still in the Beta stage. This news comes shortly after the company’s earlier launch in May this year when Dinamalar unveiled news apps for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch users.
Unlike Dinamalar’s own website, the Yahoo! site, is relatively less dense in terms of the homepage layout. It also does not require a lot of scrolling, and has a clean design. The site offers content under various sections including news, movies, and cricket, in addition to photo and video galleries, and opinion polls.

Currently operating a number of localised websites in India, this is not the first for Yahoo! in terms of regional offerings, though the customised Tamil portal is to reflect a different interface from that of yahoo.com and dinamalar.com. Hindi Daily Dainik Jagran first started this trend with Yahoo! by launching in.jagran.yahoo.com. As claimed by the CEO of MMI Online, Jagran group’s digital division, the website supposedly received hits to the tune of 95 million pageviews per month after the revamp.
Logically speaking, serving regional content seems to be the next step in order to tap into the Indian market effectively. Online ad network Ozone Media even claims that regional ads receive 30 percent more clicks than ads in English, and clicks offer far more monetization than impressions for advertisers. Not surprising then technology firms are prepping up their products for regional support. Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) for example, added support for 11 Indian languages. Microsoft seems to believe that the Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Konkani, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil and Telugu populace warrant enough clout for them to take a stand in promoting local language computing in India.
Netcore’s OneIndia is another major player in the vernacular news space. All in all, in tapping the Tamil population, it’s a step that might add significantly to Yahoo’s reach in South India especially amongst the Tamil speaking population. It’ll be interesting to see what kind of a response the site gets going further.


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