Jiiva is running from pillar to post. The reason - he has signed a number of films, and good ones all that! The actor recently signed for ...
The film's storyline deals with a superhero subject - way different from the films that have so far churned out from Mysskin tag. The film, it is suggested, revolves around the belief that there is a superhero within each one which comes out during in a stiff situation. The male leads are believed to be training hard from the Shaolin Temple, China, for getting their mind and body into the martial arts, which is the main ingredient in the film.
There were some reports in a section of media that Mysskin has been impressed with the portfolio of Amala Paul and might rope her in to pair opposite Jiiva in this project, but the actress has rubbished all that revealing she is not a part of this Mysskin venture.
Usually superhero projects have little or no scope of heroines to perform, as the superhero and super villain grab the limelight, in this case it will be Jiiva and Narain who will lap up all credits! But considering the flamboyance of this project the team might be on the look out for a big name for the heroine...
Some sources also suggest that those from IIT will be designing some state-of-the-art gadgets to be used in the film and the costumes and the looks for the characters will be from NIFT (National Institute of Fashion Technology). The film will have a good dose of special effects which will be done by a Los Angeles-based firm. Buzz is around Kollywood that the director is planning to import stunt men from Hong Kong.
It looks like Mysskin is getting the best in the industry to pull this film off. 'Mugamoodi' is touted to release during the summer of 2012 and will pull children and adults to theatres alike!
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