Sonia Agarwal on great guns! 4 films in 6 months

It looks like the second innings of actress Sonia Agarwal is going on great guns. It is well known that the actress has made a grand re entry with Vaanam directed by Krish. Sonia is currently on a signing spree as within six months of time she signed four films.
The actress has signed two Tamil films titled Mata Pitha Guru and Poi Sollathedi and in Malayalam she signed Grihanathan. It was during last week Sonia signed her third film in Tamil titled Oru Nadigayin Vakku Moolam. The film is based on the life and times of an actress and is rumoured to be loosely based on the life of a top actress. Raj Krishna is working as a director for the film while it is produced by Kesavan.
The film aptly titled Oru Nadigayin Vakku Moolam and recently a photo-shoot was held in Chennai.
Sonia says "I play the role of an actress and again it is a performance oriented character. During the first listen itself I fell in love with the character"
Sonia Agarwal looks like a million bucks these days and many confess that the actress is looking much more glamorous in the recent days.


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