TN government imposed ban on shooting at monumental sites 
The Tamil Nadu government has taken an extreme decision to save the historic monuments. The government has passed an order by permanently imposing ban on more than 85 monumental sites from shooting that are taken care by the Archeological Department. This order has come into force from August 9th, 2011.

It was the archeological commissioner who had complained to the state government that many monuments are getting destroyed and at the same time the beauty of these places is taking backseat due the shoots which are taking place. The filmmakers while shooting at monuments are not taking much care and while leaving the place they are not assuring that everything is fine and safe.

The most popular monument which is liked by all the directors, Thirumalai Naicker Mahal is also listed in the monuments to be banned as only one-fourth of the structure has stood the test of time. This decision by the government is welcomed by all monument lovers and also tourist as the feel inconvenient with the shoots while visiting these places.


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