7am Arivu Overseas Release -- 13 days to go

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/299479_283858431638461_179542395403399_1051654_2130638654_n.jpg7am Arivu's release strategy is clearly aimed at creating new Box Office records in the overseas markets (not counting Enthiran as it is in a different orbit). 7am Arivu is all set to take a grand opening at overseas.
The industry is in awe of 7am Arivu's release strategy as they are being surgically planned and executed by the Producer Udhayanidhi Stalin.

In Malaysia alone, 7am Arivu will be releasing in record 53 screens(Singapore theatre list to be announced very soon).&In the US, 7am Arivu will be releasing in both Tamil and Telugu in 50 screens. In the past, Enthiran was the only one which had higher number of screens than 7am Arivu. Dasavatharan holds the previous record of 42 screens(Tamil & Telugu) which came close to the Million mark. Given the wider number of screens for 7am Arivu, it has a very good chance of breaking the magical $1Million mark in the US if the word of mouth is positive.


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