'7aum Arivu' makes it big in the US, Canada

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/294304_180652478682800_130384240376291_385037_695090378_n.jpgIt looks like '7aum Arivu' will be releasing big this Diwali internationally. With less than six days for the release, Bharath Creations is releasing '7aum Arivu' and the Telugu dub version of the film, '7th Sense' in 40 states (within 57 cities) in USA and 10 cities in Canada!
It may be mentioned that this is the second biggest release for a Tamil film in North America!

Suriya's '7aum Arivu' features him alongside Shruti Haasan with Abinaya of 'Nadodigal' playing the lead lady for one of his characters. Music by Harris Jayaraj is already a hit and the film's trailer spells class and inside sources reveal that the film, apart from entertaining audience will convey a strong social message, in a non-preachy manner.


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