Critically-acclaimed director Seenu Ramasamy is all set to commence his next film with Vimal in the lead role. T...
Critically-acclaimed director Seenu Ramasamy is all set to commence his next film with Vimal in the lead role. The film will be produced by Udhaynidhi Stalin on his Red Giant Movies banner.
Tentatively titled as 'Neerparaivagal', the film showcases Vimal as a fisherman and the movie is set in the backdrop of fishing hamlet. Seenu Ramasamy, the national award winning director is dealing with an emotional and realistic subject. Popular writer Jayamohan is penning the dialogues for the film. The makers are yet to finalize the leading lady of the film.
Vimal, who is pretty impressed with the subject, has allocated his busy dates despite being busy with couple of other films 'Ishtam' and 'Anaithukkum Asaipadu'
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