A ctress Namitha attended the launch of Telugu film recently. This is her first film in both Tamil and Telugu in the past couple of yea...
Once one of the most loved actresses by the fans in both the States, Namitha now remains out of contention when it comes to casting by producers and directors.
Khushboo, meanwhile, has come for Namitha’s defence. She has said that “I have known Namitha for a long time now. She always loves to dress herself up in macro-mini dresses. At the same time, she never forgets to take a huge scarf with her to be put on her lap when she sits. I feel that what to dress for any event is the choice of the individual concerned and that others have no say in this.”
These comments haven’t gone down well with the Hindu Makkal Katchi, the self-proclaimed patron of ‘Tamil culture’ in Tamil films. Kumar of HMK has said in a statement that “Tamil Nadu is in the forefront of following our traditions and culture. We don’t oppose actresses appearing in scantily clad dresses in films; we only say that they shouldn’t be doing so at public events.
“Would Khushboo be pleased if farmers who work in fields visit her house clad in their loin-clothes? It’s a question of basic etiquette. We steadfastly oppose actresses turning out in such costumes at public events. We would also like Khushboo not to support the case of such actresses,” he said.
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