Director K S Adhiyaman who had earlier directed films like Sornamukhi, Priyasakhi and Thoondil is now directing a film after a long hiat...
For the first time Nakul and Santhanoo are acting in this film.
Swathi of Subramaniapuram fame is donning the female lead role. But it has not disclosed that with whom she is pairing. Swathi is donning the role of an IT professional. So there is no makeup or glamour for Swathi. The director had selected her because she has the looks of a neighborhood girl.
The director while speaking about this film said, "This film is about 2 college students. The story of this film is about what are the problems these two guys encounter after completing their studies. This film is for the youths.
I don’t know to make films by sprinkling Masala and because of this I have directed this film as if it happens in a house. The song sequences are to be shot in Fuji Islands and Australia."
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