Vishal’s next film titled Samaran in the direction of Thiru has commenced its regular shoot. The first schedule of the shoot is taking place...
Vishal’s next film titled Samaran in the direction of Thiru has commenced its regular shoot. The first schedule of the shoot is taking place in Ooty and Vishal will join the sets from today.
The film is said to be a quickie and will be wrapped up in just 120 days, informs the sources.
Trisha is pairing up with Vishal in the movie. Samaran is touted as an action packed entertainer and is being produced by Bharani Ramesh on Balaji Real Media. Yuvan Shankar Raja is the music director.
The film is said to be a quickie and will be wrapped up in just 120 days, informs the sources.
Trisha is pairing up with Vishal in the movie. Samaran is touted as an action packed entertainer and is being produced by Bharani Ramesh on Balaji Real Media. Yuvan Shankar Raja is the music director.
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