Dam 999 is a film directed by Sohan Roy who hails from Kerala. This film is based on Mullaiperiyar Dam over which Tamil Nadu and Kerala ...
Dam 999 is a film directed by Sohan Roy who hails from Kerala. This film is based on Mullaiperiyar
Dam over which Tamil Nadu and Kerala are locked in a dispute. This film is banned by the Tamil Nadu Government.The director says that this film is not based on Mullaiperiyar Dam. There is sequence in this film were the dam bursts destroying Lakhs of people. Since this sequence will create fear among the common people, the Tamil Nadu Government has banned this film.
Now this film Dam 999 has been short listed for Oscars. Apart from this three songs Dam 999 -Theme song - `Dakkanga Dugu Dugu` and `Mujhe Chodke` - have also been shortlisted for Oscars. A R Rahman has mentioned that he is praying that one of the songs of this film should get the Oscar Award.
A R Rahman while speaking about this said, "I am very happy that the film Dam 999 and its songs have been shortlisted for Oscar Awards. I pray to God that at least one of the songs should win the Oscar Award."
This statement of Oscar Award winner A R Rahman has created flutters in Tamil Nadu.
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