Amala Paul’s act irks media persons

Amala paul’s act irks media-persons
A press meet was held recently in connection with the release of producer Elred Kumar’s Muppozhudhum Un Karpanaigal (MUK) which also makes the directorial debut of Kumar.
Besides Kumar, music director G.V. Prakash Kumar and the film’s heroine Amala Paul took part at the event for which journalists from some television channels and internet-based film websites were invited.

Even as the journos and media-persons started assembling since 09:00 a.m. along with Elred and GVP, Amala came very late keeping everybody waiting.  She arrived at the venue only around 12:30 p.m.  and didn’t even bother to offer the customary apologies to the waiting press and media-persons.  Had she given a proper interview to the media, her late arrival would have gone unnoticed.

Instead, what she said stunned the waiting press-persons and journalists.  Amala said that she would be giving interview only to a particular television channel and added that she won’t be speaking to all the channels and film-based websites commonly.  Amala’s blatant statement that she would only be speaking to a select few channels surprised and shocked the media-persons as well as the film’s director.

One of the senior scribes remarked that it remains highly questionable as to how would Amala be treating her fans if she became a big star as she doesn’t have the courtesy to speak to and behave properly with the media.  “It’s a highly condemnable attitude as she’s not a big star who has done not more than five films,” he said.  Another journo asked how she could object to talking to the media when she didn’t have any qualms in appearing on the television channel with her co-stars of a recent film.

For her own sake, it’d be better for Amala to learn the intricacies of handling the media as many established stars before her have not only shared a perfect understanding with the media-persons but have treated them with respect and regard!


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