Producers Council to Hire non-FEFSI workers

The Tamil Nadu Film Producers Council (TNFPC) and FEFSI were at loggerheads over the issue of the fixation of salary to the workers.
The Producers' Council accused FEFSI of arbitrarily fixing salary on their own and called for a one-day cancellation of shoot yesterday enabling all the producers to attend the crucial meeting that took an important decision on the issue.

After the General body meeting the Council has decided to hire workers from outside, that is non-FEFSI workers for film shoot. This was announced by the President of the council S A Chandrasekar after the meeting.

A member from FEFSI says, "Rs. 250/- per day was paid to a worker and then it was revised to 40 – 100% raise and we were getting more than Rs. 450/- per day. But, in a recent decision the TNFPC asked us to revert to the old pay but we refused and wanted the revised to remain as our pay. How can we survive with Rs. 250/- per day now?"


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