Kollywood's Day-long strike on 23rd

The entire Tamil film industry would go on a day-long strike on the 23rd of this month to protest against the entertainment tax levied by the central government which cuts hard on their income.
It's now new for the entertainment industry to go up in arms against the central government's measures to earn some revenue.

While the film industry welcomes sops and concessions with outstretched hands, it appears very reluctant in parting away with a part of their income for the sake of implementing the various welfare measures planned by the government. The protest by the film industry is always on the pretext that they are the 'true saviours' of art and films and that they were demanding the rollback for the sake of the industry.

The centre recently announced service tax on the profits earned by the industry which has been opposed tooth and nail by almost all the film industries in various languages across the country. All the associations have submitted petitions in their respective States seeking a rollback of the tax.

In order to press home the message, it has been decided to indulge in a1-day nationwide strike. The strike has now been scheduled to be held on the 23rd of this month. The Indian Film Federation has asked all its affiliated bodies to take part in the strike. As such, Kollywood would be striking work on 23rd February, informs S.A. Chandrasekaran, president of the Tamil Film Producers' Council.


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