Shah Rukh Khan Detained at New York Airport!

Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan was detained for two hours at the New York International Airport early this morning (according to IST).

   The star landed at the airport at 12:30 pm in a private aircraft accompanied by Nita Ambani and her daughter who is studying at the Yale University. The Immigration authorities detained Mr. Khan and questioned him for more than half-an-hour at the detention centre in the airport premises.
 It is said that Shah Rukh was continued to be questioned by the authorities even after identifying him as a popular star from Bollywood. Khan has already been detained by the same airport authorities in 2009.
 Mr. S M Krishna, the External Affairs Minister, Government of India, took up the matter immediately after getting the news of Mr. Khan's detention. The Indian   Ambassador at US, Ms. Nirupama Rao conveyed the Indian
Government's concern over the issue that has been happening quite frequently not only with Khan also with other Indians travelling to US.
The star has gone to New York to make his address at the famous Yale University. The university is also honouring the star with 'Chubb Fellowship' at a special function held at the university campus.
The star arrived late at the function but still he addressed a big gathering of students with high esteem and enthusiasm forgetting the ordeal that he went through few hours ago. That's the spirit of Shah Rukh Khan!


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