Billa 2 USA Permiere - Massive success
A premiere for 'Billa 2' was held on July 12 in USA. The opening was massive and although most theaters confirmed premieres only on the day of the show due to print availability, Ajith's fans made it a point to watch him in first show.

In small centers like Bentonville and Arkansas, where they screen select movies for only one show, an extra show was demanded for Billa 2 as the first show was sold out! It was the same situation in Charlotte, North Carolina. In another small center Cincinatti, Ohio where they rarely screen Tamil movies due to limited audience, screened the film in the largest screen so far for a Tamil flick and even still, all the tickets for the show was sold out!

'Billa 2' premiered in 39 screens in the USA with around 55 shows. This weekend it is opening in 30 states, 61 screens which is a record for any star other than Superstar Rajinikanth in Tamil! ATMUS Entertainment's first big release in USA turned out to be a big release!


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