Kumki is the upcoming rural milieu directed by Prabhu Solomon of Myna fame, featuring Vikram Prabhu and Lakshmi Men...
Kumki is the upcoming rural milieu directed by Prabhu Solomon of Myna fame, featuring Vikram Prabhu and Lakshmi Menon in the lead roles. Latest updates on Kumki are, makers are busy with the post-production works of the film and the graphic works are going on in full swing.
Kumki has many graphics and special effects while Prabhu Solomon is taking time over it to get the perfect look. Lingusamy has produced Kumki under his Thirupathi Brothers banner, which launches debutant Vikram Prabhu as hero, who is son of veteran actor Prabhu and grandson of Sivaji Gaeshan.
Distribution rights of Kumki are sold out to KE Gnanavelraja of Studio Greens banner for a whooping cost. D. Imman has composed beautiful tracks for Kumki and the audio album is being highly enjoyed by the music lovers. Viewers have to wait for a while, for the release date of Kumki that is yet to be decided by the makers.
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