Shriya Saran gone out of Twitter

Shriya Saran quits Twitter
Shriya Saran one of the most popular Kollywood heroines has quit Twitter.

The actress decided to withdraw from the social networking site after she started getting trawled and people posting obscene tweets.

Shriya has tweeted – “Done with twitter. I’m not on twitter from now on. Crazy stupid people. Can’t take all the trash written.”

It comes at a time when she is getting rave reviews about her performance in Deepa Mehta's Midnight Children.

Remember recently a lot of female actors has been saying 'bye' to social networking sites after getting repeatedly trolled and bullied by insensitive fans and followers.

Shriya joins a long list of film personalities like Swati, Nandini and Isha who have quit the social networking site in disgust.


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