Karikalan, a historical action movie, featuring Vikram and Zarine Khan in the lead roles was shelved due to various reasons. In an interes...
The film was initially announced to be directed by L.I. Kannan who had revealed that 25% of the film has been completed. The movie is produced by SS Vasan and S Parthiban of Silver Line Film Factory. Music was slated to be composed by G.V. Prakash. G.V. Prakash has recently updated about the film in his microblog. He had tweeted, “The historical epic 'Karikalan' revives back from March with Chiyaan Vikram”. As we announced last June 2012, Karikalan may go through a director change with Gandhi Krishna of Chellame fame taking charge.
Karikalan revolves around the man who built one of the first dams in the country. It is said that the period flick is heavy on computer graphics as it is difficult to actually re-create the era that Karikalan lived in.
Vikram is currently busy shooting for Shankar’s ‘I’. He is also awaiting the release of Bejoy Nambiar’s ‘David’ which is set to hit the screens on February 1.
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