Vishwaroopam to release worldwide today except in TN & Pondy!

Vishwaroopam to release worldwide today except in TN & Pondy!
It is now confirmed that Vishwaroopam in Tamil and Telugu is releasing worldwide except Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry on Friday, January 25.
In Tamil Nadu the Madras High Court has stayed the release of the film till January 28!

Meanwhile, Vishwaroopam opened to a thundering reception in Malaysia, the biggest overseas market for Tamil films in the world. It is traditionally one of the biggest markets for Kamal Haasan films. The word-of-mouth and reviews are really good on social networking sites.

Meanwhile Kamal Haasan’s daughter Shruthi Haasan has tweeted – “Vishwaroopam awaits judicial determination on the 26th of January in Tamil Nadu. The film will release everywhere else tomorrow.”


  1. totally what the muslims associations are doing is very wrong there are many ways to get publicity dont make use of film industry moreover this movie has been appreciated by barrie osbone based on this he had given a great oppurtunity to Dr.Kamal, which is really a great proud to tamil people. What right you have to stop the movie release did you invest any money from your pocket and if you dont like it reject the movie instead of stopping...
    another paining thing is government and industry also not taking any step to control this kind of activities..


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