'David' originally titled 'Michael'

'David' originally titled 'Michael'
Director Bejoy Nambiar who released his bi-lingual David in Hindi and Tamil with a dubbed Telugu release as well, is said to have earlier titled the film as 'Michael'. The movie receives good response in all languages.

The director had named his three protagonists who share the same name, but different lives as Michael, but had changed the title to David when another film came up with that name.

Bejoy Nambiar informs, “But I'm glad that happened, because it gave the three stories the connotation of the David and Goliath struggle."

About the film Bejoy added, "Its multiple-genre film, all also intrinsically father-son stories, but in different contexts. It's about three people with the same name, in three different cities, fighting their own conflicts, and how they come together. Each David is fighting his own Goliath.”

The three stories not only takes place between three different David's but takes place in 3 different eras and also has been given different color tones to each story. Neil's story is said to take place in London, 1975, shot in black and white. Vinay's story takes place in Mumbai in 1999, shot in a bluish tone and Vikram's story as Goan fisherman takes place in 2010, shot in yellow tone."

Read David - Tamil Movie Review


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