Settai, the Tamil remake of Hindi movie Delhi Belly directed by Kannan has reached the final leg of production. As...
Settai, the Tamil remake of Hindi movie Delhi Belly directed by Kannan has reached the final leg of production. As per reports, Settai has wrapped up its shooting schedules and cruising for its post-production works. This movie is slated for a release on April 5th.
Director Kannan said that the movie script has gone some changes. Kannan also urges not to compare this film with its original movie. He also said that there will not be any controversial scenes in this flick.
Settai has got Arya, Hansika, Santhanam, Anjali, Premgi and Nasser in the lead roles. S.S.Thaman composed the music and Ronnie Screwvala and Siddharth Roy Kapur are producing this film under UTV Motion Pictures.
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