250 Kollywood movies in 365 days

Tamil cinema grows by number of movies made and number of movies released, never caring about the quality of its produce.

Last year – 2012, Kollywood gave 197 movies, while this year, till last month end, 90 movies have hit the screens.

This month is expected to have atleast 15 to 20 movies get released. If the month of May itself counts number of movies released from Kollywood is more than 100, then by year end, for sure the number of movies Kollywood will release will touch 250.

The main reason for sudden spurt of number of movies in Kollywood is because of digital video camera which is reducing the cost for making movies.

So, any team with a digital camera starts a movie with very minimum budget and most of them goes back to the box silently without even anyone watching the same…. other than the editor.


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