Hrithik Roshan’s Brain Surgery Successful

Chronic subdural hematoma – in simple terms, blood clot between layers of brain membrane and skull – is what had led the Gamma knife specialist Dr BK Mishra, to slit the mighty Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan’s skull to remove the clot. Before the surgery yesterday in Hinduja Hospital, Hrithik’s Facebook status read “We all know that we create a life of joy using the power of our mind.

I’ve had the privilege of creating wonders with this amazing gift given to us called the brain. Occasionally one must look within and realize its value. It gives us the power to see, hear, touch, smell and taste, it allows us to conquer fear and create courage to do things we never imagined. Maybe it’s time for me to feel the power literally. I am going to go through brain surgery today and want you to know that I am going in with absolute power to recover fast. My thanks to all of you for using the power of your mind to contribute to my life. Love you all.”

The actor’s father, Rakesh Roshan confirmed today that the operation has been successful. “It was a minor surgery to remove the clot that he incurred during the shooting for ‘Bang Bang’ in Phuket, two months back. He had a blow in his head, and complained of constant headache, which has seemingly developed into this clot. He is recovering fast now” said Rakesh. Hrithik has been indulging in some breathtaking and impossible stunts for his upcoming films ‘Bang Bang’ and ‘Krrish 3′.


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