Vikram Prabhu's undershoot film titled Arima Nambi has wrapped a schedule shoot in Pune. The film casts Priya Anand, who has been earnin...
Vikram Prabhu's undershoot film titled Arima Nambi has wrapped a schedule shoot in Pune. The film casts Priya Anand, who has been earning good craze in Kollywood, as the female lead. The Pune shoot schedule has been wrapped up on July 14.
A song on the lead actor choreographed by dance master Shobi was shot in the locales of Pune along with some talkie part. Anand Shankar, a former associate of AR Murugadoss is wielding the megaphone for the movie while ace cameraman RD Rajasekhar is cranking the camera.
Drums Sivamani is debuting as music composer in Tamil cinema with Arima Nambi. Kalaipuli Films International is producing the film, that has editing by Bhuvan Srinivasan.
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