​Actor Bharath to marry Jeshly

​Actor Bharath to marry Jeshly
Finally one of the eligible bachelors in Kollywood, Bharath has decided to tie the knot. He is getting married to the Dubai based dentist Jeshly on September 14 in Chennai.

Bharath who is a happy man after the success of 555 has tweeted : "Yes it’s true ! Me and Jeshly announce our wedding on the 14th of September 2013. Thanks in advance for your well wishes and prayers."

Bharath met Jeshly through a common friend more than a year back. Later they used to hang out together and this developed into love. Bharath is a Tamil Brahmin while Jeshly is a Christian, but both their families have agreed to the wedding.

Bharath says : " It's a love-cum arranged marriage. She wants to continue her studies after marriage and is planning to do her MDS". The couple plan a register wedding followed by a reception at the Leela Palace in Chennai.

We at kollyinsider.com wish Bharath and Jeshly all the best for a happy married life.


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