Arima Nambi starring Vikram Prabhu and Priya Anand is directed by Anand Shankar and produced by Kalaipuli S Thanu. Drummer Sivamani is makin...
Arima Nambi starring Vikram Prabhu and Priya Anand is directed by Anand Shankar and produced by Kalaipuli S Thanu. Drummer Sivamani is making his debut as a music director with this film and his tracks have been well received.
The latest update from the unit is that the film has completed shooting and that DI and final mixing are going on now. This process should be completed in a week's time after which the film will be submitted for censor certification.
The latest update from the unit is that the film has completed shooting and that DI and final mixing are going on now. This process should be completed in a week's time after which the film will be submitted for censor certification.
Producer Thanu is said to decide the release date based on business negotiations. In all probability, the film is likely to release on June 6th . Stay tuned!
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