Christopher Nolan's science fiction film "Interstellar" has raked in a whopping Rs. 1.28 crore at the Ta...
Christopher Nolan's sci-fi thriller "Interstellar," which hit the screens on 7 November, has created box office history in Tamil Nadu. The English version of the film was released in just 20 screens in places like Chennai, Coimbatore, Chengalpattu, Madurai and Salem.
"The film released in minimum number of screens in TN (Tamil Nadu), and yet managed to collect Rs. 1.28 crore at the ticket window in the first week," trade analyst Trinath told.
There had been other English films, which have registered more collections in their first week, but they had more number of screens and their Tamil dubbed versions were also released. There is a huge demand for the tickets and the theatres screening the film have reportedly witnessed 100% occupancy in the first week. The sci-fi film has emerged as a big hit in the state and is expected to continue its good run owing to positive reviews.
Starring Mathew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain and Casey Affleck in the lead, the film is about the search for a habitable planet through a wormhole.
"Nolan's films have done extremely well in the state. With 'Interstellar', he has broken all the records and it has turned out to be the highest grossing English film in TN in the first week," he said.
The film has been appreciated by critics and audiences alike.
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