Veemal and Anjali, last seen together in Kalakalappu, join hands once again for a new film. The movie has been titled Mappillai Singam, an...
Directed by Rajasekar, a former associate of Ezhil, the film is said to be a comedy entertainer. We hear that Soori has been roped in to play Vimal’s sidekick in the project. A photoshoot for the film was done earlier today.
This is Anjali’s first lead role since her comeback earlier this year. She also has a small supporting role in the yet-untitled project with Jayam Ravi and Suraaj.
Both the actors Vemal and Anjali have already exhibited a decorous onscreen chemistry in the films like Thoonga Nagaram and Kalakalappu.
Mappillai Singam will start rolling from November 27 and Vemal has completely changed his looks for his role, which would be one of the greatest highlights in this flick.
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