After the stupendous success of Kaththi, Vijay is donning triple roles in the film titled Puli. This film is being directed by Chimbudevan...
Puli team is currently shooting in Thalakona. Now the latest news Ilayathalapathy Vijay, Hansika and Shruti Haasan starring Puli is that the movie is set to hit the screens on 22nd June as Vijay's Birthday treat to fans. Fans of Vijay who have recently celebrated the blockbuster Kaththi 100 days will surely go crazy with the news.
Thambi Ramaiah, Sridevi and Sudeep are donning important roles. Devi Sri Prasad is composing the music. Natarajan is handling the camera while Vishwanathan is in charge of editing.
Being helmed by Chimbudevan, Puli is tipped to be an adventurous fantasy thriller that casts Vijay in triple roles as cartoonist, commando and one more. Hansika will be seen as princess, while Sridevi is playing her mother role.
The film is being produced by PT Selvakumar and Shibu K Thameen. The shooting of the film is going on in rapid pace. Recently fiery fighting sequences were shot.
SKT Studios production Puli audio launch is expected to happen in mid April or May.
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